Friday, July 29, 2016

Soft Violence.

Spiritual people can be some of the most violent people you will ever meet.. Mostly.. they are violent to themselves.. They violently try to control their minds.. their emotions.. and their bodies.. They become upset with themselves and beat themselves up for not rising up to the conditioned mind's idea..
So no one ever became free through such vioglence...


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Love's Magic.

If a writer falls in love with you.. you can never die.. cause he will share all his words to tell his story.. and to describe one special person..
Cause he will be inspired by the heart's beauty that shine everyday and lighten his missing nights.. cause his quotes will be eternally alive with his love.. fidelities.. and Joy.. in the bottom of two hearts..
Cause he knows the up and down of life from the tones of Letters...


Friday, July 22, 2016

Mislaid Mercy.

There is no process to become silent.. To disturb your mind you need process.. but to stay silent there is no process.. So stay in your weirdness.. stay quiet.. always have love with your own Self.. You are not to win it by any attempt or effort.. Simply stay quiet.. If any thought rises.. simply find out where it came from.. and back to your wordlessness...


Monday, July 18, 2016


Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road.. not to reach a goal.. but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom.. life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple.. in itself an ecstasy...


Saturday, July 16, 2016


Questions are from the point of view of the individual.. If the person is unreal.. where are his questions ??
Philosophical deep questions are part of the illusion..
How does a relative answers to your questions bring you any closer to Self.. the Self that you already are..
Such things only feed the mind.. Any answer given to satisfy the mind cannot be true...


Wednesday, July 13, 2016


When people say.. Meditate on the Self..  Criticize yourslef.. They are asking you to be the Self.. not think about it.. Be aware of what remains when thoughts stop.. Be aware of the consciousness that is the origin of all your thoughts.. Be that consciousness...


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Question's way.

As long as you believe in the body-mind.. you will continue to have questions.. Find out who is asking those questions.. and when you do.. there will be no need for questions..
Questions only satisfy the mind and the intellect.. They do not help one to awaken.. It is only when everything is dropped.. that you begin to awaken and see the futility of questions...


Monday, July 4, 2016

Lil Attempt.

Go no way and you will be in peace.. You are not to make any attempt.. This attempting is just the mind disturbing your unconscious deeply..
Don't make any attempt because peace is already there.. arround you.. it needs to search for it.. with an humble means..
Any attempt to find peace is throwing a stone into a calm lake.. opportunitie's Lake..
Peace is already here.. You just disturb it by running outside your box..
When you don't make any attempt there is no mind.. no reactions.. but when you try to make any attempt there rises the mind which is going to disturb you..
Don't make any attempt...
