Thursday, August 18, 2016

Contempt's Act.

Whenever obstacles come on your path.. think of them as not you.. make your attitude like you born to face all troubles and obstacles.. focus on them from the contempt's corner..
Cause there are no obstacles for the Self.. If you can remember that you always are the self.. obstacles will be with no importance...


Monday, August 8, 2016

Let it.

Keep quiet.. Simply keep still.. Don't give any thought to your mind for one second.. Don't stir any thought and don't make any effort.. for just one second.. If you understand what I speak about tell me what will happen when you don't stir a single thought from the mind and you don't make any effort.. Just these two things..  no effort and not giving any thought to the mind.. Just for one instant.. What will happen ?
The answer will be at your speechless moments...
